As most of you have noticed, the neighborhood hasn’t rumbled much in the last month. That’s not because we haven’t been busy. It’s because we did away with our obnoxiously loud flatbed pickup and purchased a different one. This 2007 Dodge Ram 3500 is going to be better suited as the “crew truck” as it is equipped with the storage requirements to haul our climbing gear, saws, rigging equipment, as well as pull the trailer with machinery and still be under MNDOT CDL requirements. This truck will give our crew the means to mobilize in 1 unit, making us more efficient and effective overall. Decals will be on soon!
The white dump trailer you see is just a picture off the internet because it is still on the assembly line. We custom ordered it in white, to match our truck, as well as added some unique features that you won’t find on a typical dump trailer, again, to make us more efficient and effective.

Last but not least, we traded in the John Deere 317g tracked skid loader for a new CAT 304.5e mini excavator. I know this probably raises some eyebrows, because the skid steer was so handy. But, we went this route because we’ve found that it leaves a much smaller footprint in our work areas and increases production to a whole another level doing fuels reduction work and large tree removals. We LOVE this machine vs the skid steer and can’t wait to use it on larger projects. You will notice that there will be less track marks and torn up ground where we perform tree work.