Is your Property In Danger?
- Extremely Dense Forest
- Trees Overhanging Structures
- Overgrown
- Dead or Dying Trees
- Buildup of Fuels on the Forest Floor
If this sounds like your property, than it may be at risk. Wildfire has become an increasingly realistic danger, however, this risk can by mitigated. By removing the extra fuels within the forest and around your property, it dramatically reduces the potential for a fire to start, spread, or burn over your land and structures.
Forest Pests
Balsam firs are under attack. Spruce budworm is a native forest pest that defoliates and kills fir and spruce trees. Every several decades there is an outbreak and they gain a large foothold in the forest. This is currently what’s happening within the Superior National Forest
What does this mean?
After the larvae have defoliated the balsam, it kills the tree and leaves it standing in the forest. This creates ladder fuels for small ground fires to climb up the crispy dead trees and start a raging crown fire.
In order to mitigate the risk, the fuels need to be cut out and either piled for burning or chipped. Chipping is the superior method for many reasons.
- It replaces all the nutrients back into the soil that were consumed by the trees during their growth.
- Woodchips hold moisture in the soil far longer than if the soil was bare.
- Woodchips provide a natural fire dampener when dispersed evenly throughout the forest. They can dramatically reduce the rate of spread when introduced with fire.
With our reliable service and our specialty equipment, we can provide this fire mitigation service to you and your property. We will remove all hazardous trees and fuels to not only remove the immediate fire risk, but we are also able to create a forest management plan to ensure the long-lasting safety of your property.